Mock Psychology

Many aspirants are unsure of what a psychologist looks for during the SSB interview. Since they never meet the psychologist during the actual interview, this uncertainty raises many questions. A Mock Psychology session can be very beneficial in providing answers to these questions.

Mock Psychology with Cdr K K Dua (Senior Psychologist)

Mock Psychology..

Have your psychology Dossier reviewed by....



SSB Mock Psychology by Cdr K K Dua (Senior Psychologist)

SSB Mock Psycho..

Have your psychology Dossier reviewed by....



Offline Mock Psychology by Cdr. K K Dua ( Senior Psychologist)

Offline Mock Ps..

If you suspect that your recommendation ....



What is an SSB Mock Psychology?

In simple terms, a mock psychology session involves taking a complete psychology test in an environment similar to the real SSB board. Afterward, a retired senior psychologist will review your dossier, provide feedback on your performance, highlight areas for improvement, and help you create a blueprint for your preparation.

Is the SSB mock psychology program available online or offline?

SSB Mock Psychology is available in both online and offline modes.

How is Online Mock Psychology conducted?

Upon enrollment, you'll receive a link to schedule your test. At your scheduled time, you'll take a complete-length test comprising the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Association Test (WAT), Situation Reaction Test (SRT), and Self-Description (SD). Each test will have a time limit, and you'll write your responses on an A4-size unruled sheet. After completing the test, you'll have time to photograph your responses and convert them into a PDF format, which you'll then upload along with your PIQ Form. Next, you'll schedule a call with the psychologist. At the appointed time, the psychologist will provide feedback on your performance and assist you in areas of improvement.

Can I schedule my SSB Mock Psychology at my convenience?

Yes, you will be able to schedule your SSB Mock Psychology even before enrolling.

Mock SSB Psychology test is best for whom?

  1. Repeaters: Any aspirant who was conferenced out in a previous attempt and, upon analysis, realized that the psychology test was the key factor in not getting recommended can focus on psychology preparation separately. Once they have completed their preparation, they can choose to take an online or offline Mock SSB Psychology Test, depending on their preference.
  2. Preparation in Parts and Pieces: Aspirants who have divided their SSB preparation into three parts—IO, Psych, and GTO. Once they have completed their psychology preparation and want to assess their readiness, a mock psychology test can be very helpful.
  3. Serious Candidates: Every student who is dedicated and serious about their SSB attempt, and who does not want to delay their recommendation, can enroll in this program. This ensures they can identify and work on any shortcomings, allowing them to correct mistakes well in advance and improve their chances of getting recommended on this very attempt.

Can one also enroll separately in Mock Psychology and Mock GTO?

Yes, that is also possible. Please follow these links to access the Mock Interview and Mock GTO pages.